Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.kanihelp.org
The Kankakee-Iroquois HELP Network is a comprehensive community information system designed to connect the residents of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties, in east central Illinois, with government agencies, publicly financed human services and non-profit organizations.

2-1-1 sponsored by United Way of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties
Website: myunitedway.org
Phone: 211
2-1-1 is a free, confidential phone number and website available 24/7 that connects you to information on programs and services locally. Calling 2-1-1 connects you to services including: healthcare and mental health resources; job training programs; childcare and after school programs; food, shelter, clothing and utility assistance; and other community based programs, including local government information and more.

Website: www.kankakeealanon.com
Phone: 815.939.4996
The Al-Anon Family groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength,and hope in order to solve their common problems.

Alcoholics Anonymous
Location: Bradley, IL
Website: www.kankakee-aa.org
Phone: 815.939.4996
Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope that they may help others to recover from alcoholism.

AllTreatment, Inc.
Location: Seattle, WA
Website: www.alltreatment.com
Phone: 888.814.0211
Helps individuals and families find information on addiction and addiction recovery. Lists treatment centers by state and city. Provides information on various drugs and current trends. A substance abuse information database and a nationwide rehab network.

Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center, Inc.
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.AuntMarthas.org
Phone: 815.937.0100
Counseling center provides comprehensive, community-based programs for children, youth, and families, encouraging them to become self-sufficient members of the community.

Carle - Carle Foundation Hospital, Carle Physician Group
Location: Urbana, IL
Website: https://carle.org/
Phone: 217.383.3311
The Carle Foundation is the not-for-profit parent company of an integrated network of healthcare services.

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.catholiccharitiesjoliet.org
Phone: 815.933.7791
Provides emergency services and homelessness prevention, Horizons Transitional Housing, counseling and addiction services, case management, and senior services.

Celebrate Recovery Watseka
Location: Watseka, IL
Website: www.celebraterecovery.com
Email: lhustedt@wigi.us (Larry Hustedt)
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered recovery group that helps those struggling with any behavior that harms their relationship with God or others. Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday night from 7-9:30 PM at the Watseka Trinity Church Campus in the downstairs Refuge area. Childcare is available.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Location: Atlanta, GA
Website: www.cdc.gov
On-line source for credible health information

Chestnut Health Systems
Location: Bloomington, IL
Website: www.chestnut.org
Phone: 309.827.6026
Offers outpatient and residential chemical dependency treatment for adults and adolescents; counseling and psychiatric services; services for the chronic mentally ill; workplace and behavioral health care management programs; credit counseling; early intervention; and prevention programming.

Clove Alliance for Hope and Healing
Location: Watseka, IL
Website: www.clovealliance.org
Phone: Office: 815.432.2779
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 815.932.3322
Provides crisis sexual assault hotline services, counseling, advocacy, education, and training for adults and children.

Duane Dean Behavioral Health Center
Location: Kankakee, IL; Kankakee, IL
Website: www.duanedeanbhc.org
Phone: 815.939.0125
Provides outpatient substance abuse treatment.

Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility
Website: www.responsibility.org
2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 710
Arlington, VA 22202
“We believe alcohol responsibility is a lifestyle to be embraced. Much progress in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking for a safer and healthier America has been made. We know that individuals making a true impact will help us all move towards this goal.”

Gateway Foundation, Inc.
Location: Joliet and Springfield
Website: www.gatewayfoundation.org
Phone: 877-505-4673
A national leader in creating innovative substance abuse treatment programs for adults and adolescents.

Gibson Area Hospital
Location: Gibson City, IL
Website: www.gibsonhospital.org/
Phone: 217.784.4251
Gibson Area Hospital and Health Services is a general medical and surgical hospital.

Girls & Boys Town USA
Website: www.girlsandboystown.org
Can access more than 50,000 agencies to help you, no matter where you are, if you are experiencing: suicidal thoughts, depression, school/parenting/relationship problems, run away, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, chemical dependency, or anger.

Harbor House
Website: www.harborhousedv.org
Harbor House Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline: 815.932.5800
Harbor House provides free services to victims of domestic violence and their children in Kankakee and Iroquois counties, including emergency shelter, 24-hour hotline, court advocacy, group and individual counseling, referrals, and community education.

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Website: hazeldenbettyford.org
Hazelden and the Betty Ford Center treatment centers joined forces in 2014 to deliver the very best residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment programs across the United States.The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has alcohol and drug treatment programs in Center City, Chaska, Maple Grove, Plymouth and Saint Paul Minnesota; San Diego, Los Angeles and Rancho Mirage, California; Beaverton and Newberg, Oregon; Chicago, Illinois; Naples, Florida, and New York City, New York.

I-KAN Regional Office of Education #32
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.i-kan.org
Phone: 815.937.2950
The ROE (Regional Office of Education) serves many types of people, from students (of all ages) to educators in both Iroquois and Kankakee counties. The ROE provides professional development, technical assistance, and information resources to public and private school personnel, and responds to the needs of schools and providing a local resource for a full range of school improvement and support services for the students and educators.

Illinois Department of Human Services – Family Community Resource Center
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.dhs.state.il.us
Phone: 815.939.4545
DHS Helpline: 800.843.6154
DHS can help you and your family meet your basic needs. We offer a range of services to help you become healthy and self-sufficient. Services include: Cash, Food, Child Care, Housing Health & Medical, Pregnancy & Parenting Developmental Disability, Disability & Rehabilitation Mental Health, and Addiction Youth Services Housing.

Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances
Website: HelplineIL.org
Phone: 1-833-234-6343 or Text "HELP" to 833234

Illinois State Police - District 21
Location: Ashkum, IL
Website: www.isp.state.il.us
Phone: 815.698.2332
Promotes public safety with integrity, service, and pride to improve the quality of life for Illinois citizens.

Iroquois County, IL
Website: www.co.iroquois.il.us
Phone: 815.432.6955 (Iroquois County Board)
This is the official county government site for Iroquois County.

Iroquois County Public Health Department
Location: Watseka, IL
Website: www.co.iroquois.il.us/health-department
Phone: 815.432.2483
Promotes health through school and community health programs, environmental health, and maternal/child health. Home health care encompasses a broad spectrum of health services that can be provided to recovering, disabled, or chronically ill persons.

Iroquois County Sheriff's Police Department
Location: Watseka, IL
Phone: 815.432.6992
Full service law enforcement. Iroquois County 911 emergency phone calls.

Iroquois Memorial Hospital
Location: Watseka, IL
Website: www.iroquoismemorial.com
Phone: 815.432.5841
Regional health care provider for the area offers a full range of acute, extended, and off-site primary care services.

Iroquois Mental Health Center
Location: Watseka, IL
Phone: 815.432.5241
Offers outpatient mental health services for children and adults; psychotherapy, counseling, psychiatric consultation; MI day program services, substance abuse counseling; including state-certified DUI services. Family, group, and individual services are offered.

Juvenile Justice Council of Iroquois County
Location: Watseka, IL
Website: TIPtheScale.org
Phone: 815.432.6969
The JJC promotes delinquency prevention and intervention.

Kankakee Community College
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.kcc.edu
Phone: 815.802.8100
A two-year, fully accredited institution of higher education located in Kankakee, Illinois.

Maryville Academy Scott Nolan Center
Location: Des Plaines, IL
Website: www.maryvilleacademy.org
Phone: 847.294.1999
The Scott Nolan MISA (Mental Illness and Substance Abuse) Program is designed for those who suffer from both mental illness and chemical dependency and are, consequently, particularly challenged in their recovery. The combination of these two kinds of illness is known as dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorders.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Location: Irving, TX; Springfield, IL
Website: www.madd.org
Committed to stopping drunk driving, supporting victims of this violent crime, and preventing underage drinking.

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.
Location: New York, NY
Website: www.ncadd.org
Phone: 212.269.7797
Fights the stigma and the disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Location: Bethesda, MD
Website: http://www.niaaa.nih.gov
Supports and conducts biomedical and behavioral research on the causes, consequences, treatment, and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Website: 988lifeline.org
Helpline: 988
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We're committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness.

New Hope Counseling Center
Location: Kankakee, IL
Phone: 815.933.7771
Outpatient substance abuse treatment services.
Nexus Family Healing: Onarga Academy
Location: Onarga, IL
Website: www.nexusfamilyhealing.org
Phone: 815-268-4001
Nexus Family Healing offers boys a homelike environment where they can safely address their behavioral and emotional problems. Programming is built around a rich treatment culture that uses symbolism to connect with troubled adolescents and encourages lifelong learning.

Parent and Teachers Association
Location: Chicago, IL
Website: www.pta.org
Phone: 800.307.4782
Not-for-profit association of parents, educators, students, and other citizens active in their schools and communities.

Parents Speaking Out Against Addiction
Website: www.psoaa.com
Helpline: 1-800-709-6738 (24/7)
A website created specifically for parents to fight addiction the best way possible, through education and resources. The helpline can assist you in finding an addiction treatment program for a family member.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Location: New York, NY
Website: www.drugfree.org
Phone: 212.922.1560
A partnership existing to help kids and teens reject substance abuse by influencing attitudes through persuasive information.

Pledge for Life Partnership
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: http://pledgeforlife.org
Phone: 815.936.4606
A coalition of committed individuals and organizations that mobilize public and private resources and initiatives to improve the quality of life for area residents. Specific efforts are made to promote responsible behavior and healthy lifestyle choices through life-long learning. Initiatives include the Life Education Center and the KAN-I HELP Information Network. The PFL Partnership is also a co-sponsor of the Kankakee County Volunteer Recognition Luncheon and promotes Alcohol Awareness Month each April.

Prairie Center Health Systems, Inc.
Location: Urbana, IL
Phone: 217.328.4500 ext. 116
A state-funded program designed to educate young adults age 15-25, their families, and communities to the dangers of club drugs and Methamphetamine.

Presence St. Mary's Hospital
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.presencehealth.org/presence-st-marys-hospital-kankakee
Phone: 815.937.2400
Offers a full range of in-patient, out-patient, and emergency services for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation related to acute and chronic health conditions.

Presence St. Mary’s Occupational Health Clinic
Location: Bourbonnais, IL
Website: www.presencehealth.org/presence-st-marys-hospital-kankakee
Phone: 815.937.8788
A comprehensive, streamlined approach to worker injury management.

Riverside HealthCare
Location: Kankakee, IL; Bourbonnais, IL
Website: www.riversidehealthcare.org
Phone: 815.933.1671
Provides full spectrum of inpatient, outpatient, and community services.

Riverside HealthCare Behavioral Services
Location: Kankakee, IL
Website: www.riversidehealthcare.org
Phone: 815.935.7523
Central Intake Department: 815-935-1600 (24/7)
Services provide treatment for a broad range of psychological and substance abuse disorders.

Riverside Resolve Center
Location: Manteno, IL
Phone: 815.468.3241
Provides substance abuse treatment, prevention, education, speakers, and presentations to the public.

Rosecrance Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
Location: Rockford, IL
Website: www.rosecrance.org
Phone: 815.391.1000
A not-for-profit organization that provides a full continuum of addiction treatment services for children, youth, adults, and families.

Specialized Assistance Services, NFP, Branden House
Location: Manteno, IL
Website: http://www.sasichgo.com/index.shtml
Phone: 815.468.6556
Adult residential drug abuse clinic serving persons 18 years and older, statewide.
State of Illinois Liquor Control Commission
Location: Chicago, IL; Springfield, IL
Website: http://www.state.il.us/lcc/
Phone: 312.814.2206
State site with access to the proper liquor licensing applications, the Under 21 Program, Tobacco Program, and the BASSET Program.

Stop Alcohol Abuse
Website: www.stopalcoholabuse.gov
StopAlcoholAbuse.Gov is a comprehensive portal of Federal resources for information on underage drinking and ideas for combating this issue.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
Location: Marlborough, MA
Website: www.saddonline.com
Phone: 508.481.3568
A youth organization that promotes teen empowerment and uses peer influence to spread the message of positive decision-making.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration
Location: Rockville, MD
Website: www.samhsa.gov
Phone: 240.276.1310
Leading America’s substance abuse prevention, addictions treatment, and mental health services efforts.

The Garage, Gilman
Location: 140 North Central Street, Gilman, IL 60938
Website: https://www.facebook.com/garagecommunitycenter/
The Garage is a community center in Gilman, IL focused mainly on youth programming. Their Friday Night Hangout is open to all students in 4th grade through high school. They also host the Iroquois West Youth for Christ/Campus Life program and a nondenominational youth group. The Garage is available as a space for meetings and gatherings.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Website: http://www.thehotline.org/
Phone: 800.799.7233 or 800.799.SAFE
Toll-free, 24-hour, 7-days-a-week, multilingual, confidential service to all Illinois residents. The Help Line staff directly refers and links survivors to domestic violence services in their communities including shelter, counseling, legal services, and partner abuse intervention programs.

The Pavilion Behavioral Health System
Location: Champaign , IL
Website: www.pavilionhospital.com
Phone: 217.373.1700
The Pavilion is a 46 bed private hospital in Champaign that offers comprehensive care to youth, adults, and their families including inpatient and partial hospitalization programs for the treatment of alcohol, drug, and psychiatric problems.

University of Illinois Extension, Ford-Iroquois Unit (Champaign-Vermillion)
Location: Onarga, IL
Website: http://web.extension.illinois.edu/cfiv/
Phone: 815.268.4051
Provides practical, research-based information and programs to help individuals, families, farms, businesses, and communities in Illinois.
University of Illinois Extension's mission is to enhance the quality of life for rural and urban people through teaching, research, and outreach programs focusing on human activity, food, fiber, and natural resource systems.