How Can We, as Parents, Prevent Underage Drinking and Drug Use and TIP the Scale in Iroquois County? LIMIT ACCESS Store any alcohol and drugs you have at home in an area that is not accessible to teens. Keep track of your supply. ESTABLISH AND ENFORCE RULES Communicate clear rules and consequences regarding underage drinking…
Life Education Center Wise Highs Program (Kindergarten – 6th Grade) The Juvenile Justice Council of Iroquois County partners with the Iroquois-Kankakee Regional Office of Education and the Pledge for Life Partnership to bring students Life Education Center (LEC) programming. This magical and interactive substance abuse prevention program teaches kids the skills they need to choose…
Source: Illinois 2024 DUI Fact Book by the IL Secretary of State…
Open the door to real conversations about underage drinking and drug use by talking face to face – often. Listen. Take advantage of everyday opportunities to discuss teen substance use with your child, such as while watching TV, riding in a car, or eating a meal together. This is a conversation that needs to happen…
Warning Signs of Underage Drinking The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) provides the following information on signs of teen alcohol use/abuse. Adolescence is a time of change and growth, including behavior changes. These changes usually are a normal part of growing up but sometimes can point to an alcohol problem. Parents and…
Do your part to help prevent substance abuse in Iroquois County. Dispose of expired/unwanted medications properly….
Life is like a maze. Every choice or decision one makes determines their life’s path. Thus, choices matter! AVOID underage drug and alcohol use and CHOOSE positive coping strategies for a happy, healthy future….