The Juvenile Justice Council of Iroquois County is hosting a Teen Mental Health Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contest. PSA’s created for the contest should promote mental health awareness, encourage positive choices, and inspire teens to connect with others and seek help if needed.
Iroquois County high school students can enter either individually or as a team by creating a written 30 second PSA centered on a teen mental health topic, such as underage substance abuse (vaping, alcohol consumption, marijuana use, Rx abuse), stress/anxiety, bullying, depression, body image, self-harm, healthy coping skills, etc. (See the flyer for guidelines to enter.)
One winner from each Iroquois County high school will be chosen and winning PSA’s will be aired on WGFA/WIBK radio stations. Prizes will also be awarded. Submissions should be emailed to with student name(s) and school name by the 11:59 p.m. deadline on April 5th, 2024. PLEASE ENCOURAGE IROQUOIS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO ENTER AND MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT!